
The Earth is currently experiencing its sixth major animal extinction event.

One out of four of the world’s mammals and over 40 percent of amphibians are threatened with extinction due to human destruction; over exploitation; pollution, as well as human overpopulation.

Here are seven creatures in peril today, and one who is gone forever. Extinction verses sustainability. How and when will this threat be addressed and by whom?

The original big art for each creature is a 4’x 5’ painting done with acrylic paint. You can purchase a 20” x 24” reproduction of each through this website. Profits from your purchase will go to one of several non-profit organizations recognized with a mission to help endangered species.

Some of the original artwork is also for sale. Interested parties should contact the artist.

Vivi with Rytter-Large Paintings

Big Art for Thought is an effort to raise awareness of creatures in peril and to inspire more action towards their sustainability.

Big Art for Thought is a project of Jensen Design Studio
Art by Robert Rytter. All rights reserved.